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Pattern written and designed by Lyn Coultas 

“Diamond” pattern is ©2020 by Lyn Coultas

Do not copy or distribute any part of this pattern​​

Terminology: US Terms

Suggested Thread: #10

Suggested Hook: 1.75mm

  • CSDC may be substituted with CH3

  • CSTC may be substituted with CH4

  • All rounds are finished/joined with a slip stitch into the first stitch of the round, unless otherwise stated

  • All rounds are made into previous round, unless otherwise stated

  • Pattern repeats in a round are marked with * *

  • It is necessary to block this doily

Stitches and Terms

CH = Chain

SC = Single Crochet

HDC = Half Double Crochet

DC = Double Crochet

TC = Treble Crochet

DTC = Double Treble Crochet

Tog = Together

FP = Front Post

BP = Back Post

Y/O = Yarn over hook

CSDC = Chainless Starting Double Crochet

CSTC = Chainless Starting Treble Crochet

FPSS = Front Post Slip Stitch

BPSS = Back Post Slip Stitch

DBL = Draw Back Loop: remove hook, insert hook in through back of same stitch, pull loop through to back

of work

Cluster = keeping last loop of each stitch on the hook, make all stitches in the SAME stitch or chain space indicated, then Y/O and pull through all loops on hook to finish the cluster

Together = keeping last loop of each stitch on the hook, make all stitches in the stitches or chain spaces indicated, then Y/O and pull through all loops on hook to finish

Small Picot = CH2, Slip Stitch in the last stitch made

Picot = CH3, HDC in 3rd CH from hook, CH1

FPTRTC2-Tog = Y/O 4 times, insert hook where indicated to make a front post stitch, Y/O pull up a loop, (Y/O pull through 2 loops) 4 times [2 loops remaining], Y/O 4 times, insert hook where indicated to make a front post stitch, Y/O pull up a loop, (Y/O pull through 2 loops) 4 times, Y/O pull through last 3 loops 

4-Puff = (Y/O, insert hook and pull up a loop – approximately the same height as a DC) 4 times,  Y/O pull through all 9 loops on the hook, CH1 to secure [this CH1 does not count as a stitch, since it is part of the puff]

FP6-Puff = (Y/O, insert hook as if making a FP stitch and pull up a loop – approximately the same height as a DC) 6 times, Y/O pull through all 13 loops on the hook, CH1 to secure [this CH1 does not count as a stitch, since it is part of the puff]


CH5, Slip Stitch in the first CHAIN, creating the centre ring.

Round 1

Into the centre ring: CSDC, CH1, (DC, CH1) 7 times, join

{8 DC, 8 CH1 Spaces}

Round 2

Beginning Special Decrease (consists of DC and FPTC) = holding back the last loop of each stitch; DC in the 1st CH of the beginning FPTC, FPTC around the next DC, Y/O pull through all 3 loops on hook


Special Decrease (consists of DC and FPTC) = holding back the last loop of each stitch; DC in the 1st Y/O of the last FPTC just made, FPTC around the next DC, Y/O pull through all 3 loops on hook


FPSS around the first DC, CH7 [counts as beginning FPTC - 2nd leg of last Special Decrease -

and CH3 Space], Beginning Special Decrease, CH3,

*Special Decrease, CH3* To make the last Special Decrease: holding back the last loop DC in the first Y/O of the last FPTC just made, insert hook in 4th Chain of the beginning FPTC, Y/O and pull through all loops

Mark the last Special Decrease for Round 3

{8 Special Decrease, 8 CH3 Spaces}

Round 3

Slip Stitch in the next CH3 Space, (CSDC, DC) in the same CH3 Space, CH1, FPTC2-Tog using the marked and next Round 2 Special Decrease, CH1, 2DC in the same CH3 Space,

*2DC in the next CH3 Space, CH1, FPTC2-Tog using the same Special Decrease as 2nd leg of last FPTC2-Tog and the next Special Decrease, CH1, 2DC in the same CH3 Space * join

{8 FPTC2-Tog, 32 DC, 16 CH1 Spaces}

Round 4

CH1, FPDC2-Tog using the first 2 DC, CH1, (FPTC, CH5, FPTC) around the next FPTC2-Tog, CH1, FPDC2-Tog using the next 2 DC, CH1,

*FPDC2-Tog using the next 2 DC, CH1, (FPTC, CH5, FPTC) around the next FPTC2-Tog, CH1, FPDC2-Tog using the next 2 DC, CH1* join


{16 FPDC2-Tog, 16 FPTC, 8 CH5 Spaces, 24 CH1 Spaces}

Round 5

DBL, CH2, FPDC2-Tog using the LAST and FIRST Round 4 FPDC2-Tog, CH5, skip the next FPTC, SC in the next CH5 Space, CH5, skip the next FPTC,

*FPDC2-Tog using the next 2FPDC2-Tog, CH5, skip the next FPTC, SC in the next CH5 Space, CH5, skip the next FPTC* join

{8 FPDC2-Tog, 8 SC, 16 CH5 Spaces}

Round 6

Slip Stitch in the next CHAIN, Slip Stitch in the first CH5 Space, (CSDC, 4DC) in the same CH5 Space, FPTC around the next SC, CH3, DC in the 1st Y/O of the FPTC just made, 5DC in the next CH5 Space, DC2-Tog using the same and next CH5 Space [skipping over the FPDC2-Tog between],


*5DC in same CH5 Space as 2nd leg of DC2-Tog just made, FPTC around the next SC, CH3, DC in the 1st Y/O of the FPTC just made, 5DC in the next CH5 Space, DC2-Tog using the same and next CH5 Space [skipping over the FPDC2-Tog between]* To make the last DC2-Tog; make the first leg in the same CH5 Space and work the 2nd leg over the 1st SS in the 1st CH5 Space, join

{8 FPTC, 8 DC2-Tog, 88 DC, 8 CH3 Spaces} 

Round 7

DBL, CH1, BPSC around the first 5 DC, FPDC around the next FPTC, (2HDC, CH2, 2HDC) in the next CH3 Space, FPDC around the next DC, BPSC around the next 5 DC, skip the next DC2-Tog,


*BPSC around the NEXT 5 DC, FPDC around the next FPTC, (2HDC, CH2, 2HDC) in the next CH3 Space, FPDC around the next DC, BPSC around the next 5 DC, skip the next DC2-Tog* join


Mark the 2nd FPDC for Round 8


{16 FPTC, 8 DC2-Tog, 80 DC, 8 CH3 Spaces}

Round 8

Slip Stitch in the next 7 stitches, Slip Stitch in the next CH2 Space, CH1, SC in the same CH2 Space, (CH3, HDC in the 3rd Chain from hook) 3 times, FPTRTC2-Tog using the marked and next Round 7 FPDC skipping 10 BPSC between them, (CH3, HDC in the 3rd Chain from hook) 3 times,


*SC in the next CH2 Space, (CH3, HDC in the 3rd Chain from hook) 3 times, FPTRTC2-Tog using the next 2 FPDC skipping 10 BPSC between them, (CH3, HDC in the 3rd Chain from hook) 3 times* join

{8 FPTRTC2-Tog, 48 HDC, 8 SC, 48 CH3}

Round 9

NOTE: Due to different threads used and/or individual tension, some testers found it necessary to add a chain or 2 more to the CH7 for this round.

CH1, [working over the 1st Round 8 SC – directly below] DC in the 1st Round 7 CH2 Space, CH7, FPDC around the next FPTRTC2-tog, CH7,  

*[working over the next Round 8 SC] DC in the next Round 7 CH2 Space, CH7, FPDC around the next FPTRTC2-tog, CH7* join

{8 FPDC, 8 DC, 16 CH7 Spaces}

Round 10

Slip Stitch in the next CH7 Space, CSDC, (4DC, CH2, 5DC) in the same CH7 Space, FPTC2-Cluster around the next stitch

*(5DC, CH2, 5DC) in the next CH7 Space, FPTC2-Cluster around the next stitch* join

Place a stitch marker in each CH7 Space between the 5th and 6th DC of each group of 10 DC made in the CH7 Spaces of this round, to be used in Round 11

{16 FPTC2-Cluster, 160 DC, 16 CH2 Spaces}

Round 11

DBL, CH1, *BPDC around the next 3 DC, Skip the next DC, TC in the next marked Round 9 CH7 between the 5th and 6th DC of Round 10, (DC, CH2, DC) in the next Round 10 CH2 Space, TC in the same Round 9 CH7 next to the last TC made, skip the next DC, BPDC around the next 3 DC, CH1, skip the next DC, FPSC around the next Cluster, CH1, skip the next DC* join

Mark in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, and 15th CH2 Spaces to be used in R13

{32 TC, 32 DC, 96 BPDC, 16 FPSC, 16 CH2 Spaces, 32 CH1 Spaces} 

Round 12

Slip Stitch in next BPDC, CH1, FPSC around the same BPDC, CH7, skip the next 6 stitches and CH2 Space, FPSC around the next BPDC, CH4, Skip the next 3 stitches and 2 CH1 Spaces,

*FPSC around the next BPDC, CH7, SK the next 6 stitches and CH2 Space, FPSC around the next BPDC, CH4, skip the next 3 stitches and 2 CH1 Spaces * join


{32 FPSC, 16 CH7 Spaces, 16 CH4 Spaces}

Round 13

Slip Stitch in the next CH7 space, (CSDC, 4DC) in same CH7 space, 4-Puff in the next marked Round 11 CH2 space, DC in the same Round 12 CH7 space, 4-Puff in the same Round 11 CH2 space, 5DC in the same Round 12 CH7 space, SC in the next CH4 space, 12DC in the next CH7 space, SC in the next CH4 space,


*5DC in the next CH7 space, 4-Puff in the next marked Round 11 CH2 space, DC in the same Round 12 CH7 space, 4-Puff in the  same Round 11 CH2 space, 5DC in the same Round 12 CH7 space, SC in the next CH4 space, 12DC in the next CH7 space, SC in the next CH4 space* join


{16 4-Puff, 184 DC, 16 SC}

Round 14

Special FPDC4-Tog = Holding back the last loop of each stitch; FPDC around the next DC, DC around the next Round 12 CH4 space before the Round 13 SC, DC in the same Round 12 CH4 space after the Round 13 SC, FPDC around the next DC, Y/O and pull through all 5 loops on the hook

CH1, *FPDC around the next 2 DC, (FPDC, CH2, FPDC) around the next DC, FPDC around the next DC, FPDC3-Tog using the next 3 stitches, FPDC around the next DC, (FPDC, CH2, FPDC) around the next DC, (FPDC around the next 2 DC, CH1, Special FPDC4-Tog, CH1, FPDC around the next DC, (CH1, BPDC2-Tog using the next 2 DC, CH1, FPDC around the next DC) 3 times, CH1, Special FPDC4-Tog, CH1* join.  

NOTE - The 4th leg of last Special FPDC4-Tog is made around the CSDC at the beginning of Round 13.

{112 FPDC, 16 FPDC4-Tog, 8 FPDC3-Tog, 24 BPDC2-Tog, 80 CH1 Spaces, 16 CH2 Spaces}

Round 15

CH1, FPDC around the first FPDC, skip the next FPDC, (FPDC, CH2, FPDC) around the next FPDC,

(DC, CH2, DC) in the next CH2 space, (FPDC, CH2, FPDC) around the next FPDC, skip the next FPDC, FPSC around the next FPDC3-Tog, skip the next FPDC, (FPDC, CH2, FPDC) around the next FPDC, (DC,CH2,DC) in the next CH2 Space, (FPDC, CH2, FPDC) around the next FPDC, skip the next FPDC, FPDC2-Tog  using the next 2 FPDC skipping over the FPDC4-Tog between them, (FP6-Puff around next BPDC2-Tog, 2FPDC around the next FPDC) 2 times, FP6-Puff around the next BPDC2-Tog,

*FPDC2-Tog using the next 2 FPDC and skipping over the FPDC4-Tog between them, skip the next FPDC, (FPDC, CH2, FPDC) around the next FPDC, (DC, CH2, DC) in the next CH2 space, (FPDC, CH2, FPDC) around the next FPDC, skip the next FPDC, FPSC around the next FPDC3-Tog, skip the next FPDC, (FPDC, CH2, FPDC) around the next FPDC, (DC, CH2, DC) in the next CH2 Space, (FPDC, CH2, FPDC) around the next FPDC, skip the next FPDC, FPDC2-Tog using the next 2 FPDC and skipping over the FPDC4-Tog between them, (FP6-Puff around the next BPDC2-Tog, 2FPDC around the next FPDC) 2 times, FP6-Puff around the next BPDC2-Tog* TO COMPLETE make the last FPDC2-Tog as follows; Y/O insert hook to make a FP stitch, Y/O and pull up a loop, Y/O and pull through 2 loops, insert hook into the first FPDC of this Round, Y/O and pull through all the loops on the hook

{96 FPDC, 16 FPDC2-Tog, 32 DC, 24 FP6-Puff, 8 FPSC, 48 CH2 Spaces}


CH1, FPDC2-Tog using the second leg of the last FPDC2-Tog made in Round 15 and the next FPDC, CH1, (DC in the next CH2 Space, CH1, FPDC2-Tog using the next 2 stitches, CH1) 2 times, DC in the next CH2 Space, CH1, FPDC2-Tog using the next 2 FPDC and skipping over the FPSC between them, CH1, (DC in the next CH2 Space, CH1, FPDC2-Tog using the next 2 stitches, CH1) 2 times, DC in the next CH2 Space, CH1, FPDC2-Tog using the next FPDC and the 1st leg of the next FPDC2-Tog, CH1, FPDC3-Tog using 2nd leg of FPDC2-Tog and the next 2 Stitches, CH2, DC BETWEEN the same FPDC as last leg made and next FPDC, CH2, FPDC3-Tog using the next 3 Stitches, CH2, DC BETWEEN the same FPDC as last leg made and next FPDC, CH2, FPDC3-Tog using the next 2 stitches and the 1st leg of the next FPDC2-Tog, CH1,

*FPDC2-Tog using the 2nd leg of the same FPDC2-Tog and the next FPDC, CH1, (DC in the next CH2 Space, CH1, FPDC2-Tog using the next 2 stitches, CH1) 2 times, DC in the next CH2 Space, CH1, FPDC2-Tog using the next 2 FPDC and skipping over the FPSC between them], CH1, (DC in the next CH2 Space, CH1, FPDC2-Tog using the next 2 FPDC, CH1) 2 times, DC in the next CH2 Space, CH1, FPDC2-Tog using the next FPDC and the 1st leg of the next FPDC2-Tog, CH1, FPDC3-Tog using 2nd leg of FPDC2-Tog and the next 2 Stitches, CH2, DC BETWEEN the same FPDC as last leg made and next FPDC, CH2, FPDC3-Tog using the next 3 Stitches, CH2, DC BETWEEN the same FPDC as last leg made and next FPDC, CH2, FPDC3-Tog using the next 2 stitches and the 1st leg of the next FPDC2-Tog, CH1*  join

{24 FPDC3-Tog, 56 FPDC2-Tog, 64 DC, 32 CH2 Spaces, 112 CH1 Spaces}


CH1, 2 FPDC around the first FPDC2-Tog, (FP6-Puff around the next DC, 2FPDC around the next FPDC2-Tog) 6 times, CH1, FPDC2-Tog using the next 2 stitches, (CH2, FPDC2-Tog using the same stitch as the 2nd leg of the last FPDC2-Tog made and the next stitch) 3 times, CH1,

*2FPDC around the next FPDC2-Tog, (FP6-Puff around the next DC, 2FPDC around the next FPDC2-Tog) 6 times, CH1, FPDC2-Tog using the next 2 stitches, (CH2, FPDC2-Tog using the same stitch as the 2nd leg of the last FPDC2-Tog made and the next stitch) 3 times, CH1* join

{48 FP6-Puff, 112 FPDC, 32 FPDC2-Tog, 24 CH2 Spaces, 16 CH1 Spaces}


Slip Stitch in the next FPDC, CH1, FPDC3-Tog using the same and next 2 stitches, (CH3, FPDC3-Tog using the next 3 stitches ) 5 times, CH1, 2FPDC around the next FPDC, CH1, FPDC2-Tog using the next 2 stitches , (CH2, FPDC2-Tog using the same stitch where the 2nd leg of the last FPDC2-Tog was made and the next stitch) 2 times, CH1, 2FPDC around the next stitch, CH1,

*FPDC3-Tog using the next 3 stitches, (CH3, FPDC3-Tog using the next 3 stitches ) 5 times, CH1, 2FPDC around the next FPDC, CH1, FPDC2-Tog using the next 2 stitches , (CH2, FPDC2-Tog using the same stitch where the 2nd leg of the last FPDC2-Tog was made and the next stitch) 2 times, CH1, 2FPDC around the next stitch, CH1* join

{48 FPDC3-Tog, 24 FPDC2-Tog, 32 FPDC, 40 CH3 Spaces, 16 CH2 Spaces, 32 CH1 Spaces}


Slip Stitch in the next CH3 Space,(CSDC, 2DC, CH2, 3DC) in the same CH3 Space, ((3DC, CH2, 3DC) in the next CH3 Space) 4 times, DC in the next CH1 Space, DC in the next FPDC, 2FPDC around the next FPDC, CH1, FPDC2-Tog using the next 2 stitches , CH2, FPDC2-Tog using the same stitch where the 2nd leg of the last FPDC2-Tog was made and the next stitch, CH1, 2FPDC around the next FPDC, DC in the next FPDC, DC in the next CH1 Space,


*((3DC, CH2, 3DC) in the next CH3 Space) 5 times, DC in the next CH1 Space, DC in the next FPDC, 2FPDC around the next FPDC, CH1, FPDC2-Tog using the next 2 stitches , CH2, FPDC2-Tog using the 2nd leg of where the last FPDC2-Tog was made and the next stitch, CH1, 2FPDC around the next FPDC, DC in the next FPDC, DC in the next CH1 Space* join


Mark the 3rd DC [before the first CH2-space] and the 4th DC [after the first CH2-space] for Round 

{272 DC, 32 FPDC, 16 FPDC2-Tog, 48 CH2 Spaces, 16 CH1 Spaces}  

Round 20

DBL, CH1, BPDC around the first DC, (BPDC around each of the next 2 DC, CH2, BPDC around each of  the next 2 DC, BPDC2-Tog using the next 2 DC) 5 times, BPDC around the next DC, skip the next FPDC, 2FPDC around the next FPDC, CH1, FPDC2-Tog using the next 2 FPDC2-Tog, CH1, 2FPDC around the next FPDC, skip the next FPDC, BPDC around the next DC,

*BPDC2-Tog using the next 2 DC, (BPDC around each of the next 2 DC, CH2, BPDC around each of the next 2 DC, BPDC2-Tog using the next 2 DC) 5 times, BPDC around the next DC, skip the next FPDC, 2FPDC around the next FPDC, CH1, FPDC2-Tog using the next 2 DC2-Tog, CH1, 2FPDC around the next FPDC, skip the next FPDC, BPDC around the next DC* TO COMPLETE make the last BPDC2-Tog as follows: Y/O insert hook to make a BP stitch, Y/O pull through 2 loops, insert hook into first BPDC, Y/O pull through both loops on the hook


{48 BPDC2-Tog, 176 BPDC, 8 FPDC2-Tog, 32 FPDC, 40 CH2 Spaces 16 CH1 Spaces} 

Round 21


CH1, SC in the first BPDC2-Tog, skip the next 2 BPDC, 2FPTC around the next Round 19 DC made before the next CH2 Space below [make the 2nd FPTC above the 1st], DC in the next Round 19 CH2 Space, SC in the next Round 20 CH2 Space, CH2, SC in the same R20 CH2 Space, DC in same Round 19 CH2 Space, 2FPTC around the next Round 19 DC [make the 2nd FPTC below the 1st], skip the next 2 BPDC, SC in the next BPDC2-Tog) 5 times, skip the next  BPDC and FPDC, FPDC2-Tog using the next FPDC and the next FPDC2-Tog, Picot, FPDC2-Tog using same FPDC2-Tog as the 2nd leg and the next FPDC, skip the next FPDC and BPDC,


*SC in the next BPDC2-Tog, skip the next 2 BPDC, 2FPTC around the next Round 19 DC made before the next CH2 Space below [make the 2nd FPTC above the 1st], DC in the next Round 19 CH2 Space, SC in the next Round 20 CH2 Space, CH2, SC in the same Round 20 CH2 Space, DC in same Round 19 CH2 Space, 2FPTC around the next Round 19 DC [make the 2nd FPTC below the 1st], skip the next 2 BPDC, SC in the next BPDC2-Tog) 5 times, skip the next  BPDC and FPDC, FPDC2-Tog using the next FPDC and the next FPDC2-Tog, Picot, FPDC2-Tog using same FPDC2-Tog as the 2nd leg and the next FPDC, skip the next FPDC and BPDC*  join

{160 FPTC, 80 DC, 128 SC, 16 FPDC2-Tog, 40 CH2 Spaces}

Cut thread, weave in ends and block.

When blocking, also pin the unused CH2 Spaces of Round 11

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